- 8.39 - Jack Wright
- 8.21 - Bharani Nittala
- 9.4 - Ellen Kim
- Dominika Markowska-Desvallons
December 2, 2020
Kruschke’s videos are an excelent introduction to Bayesian Analysis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyohWpjl6KU!
Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, Second Edition: A Tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan
The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes’ Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, and Emerged Triumphant from Two Centuries of Controversy by Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
\[ P\left( A|B \right) =\frac { P\left( B|A \right) P\left( A \right) }{ P\left( B|A \right) P\left( A \right) +P\left( B|{ A }^{ ` } \right) P\left( { A }^{ ` } \right) } \]
Consider the following data from a cancer test:
Cancer (1%) | No Cancer (99%) | |
Test postive | 80% | 9.6% |
Test negative | 20% | 90.4% |
Now suppose you get a positive test result. What are the chances you have cancer? 80%? 99%? 1%?
Cancer (1%) | No Cancer (99%) | ||
Test postive | True +: 1% * 80% | False +: 99% * 9.6% | 10.304% |
Test negative | False -: 1% * 20% | True -: 99% * 90.4% | 89.696% |
\[ Probability = \frac{desired\quad event}{all\quad possibilities} \]
The chance of getting a real, positive result is .008. The chance of getting any type of positive result is the chance of a true positive plus the chance of a false positive (.008 + 0.09504 = .10304).
\[P(C | P) = \frac{P(P|C) P(C)}{P(P)} = \frac{.8 * .01}{.008 + 0.095} \approx .078\]
So, our chance of cancer is .008/.10304 = 0.0776, or about 7.8%.
It all comes down to the chance of a true positive result divided by the chance of any positive result. We can simplify the equation to:
\[ P\left( A|B \right) =\frac { P\left( B|A \right) P\left( A \right) }{ P\left( B \right) } \]
Our strategy:
For example, we initially caught 20 fish, marked them, returned them to the pond. We then caught another 20 fish and 5 of them were marked (i.e they were caught the first time).
Adopted from Rasmath Bääth useR! 2015 workshop: http://www.sumsar.net/files/academia/user_2015_tutorial_bayesian_data_analysis_short_version.pdf
Step 1: Define Prior Distribution. Draw a lot of random samples from the “prior” probability distribution on the parameters.
n_draw <- 100000 n_fish <- sample(20:250, n_draw, replace = TRUE) head(n_fish, n=10)
## [1] 153 67 41 82 90 103 54 48 86 167
hist(n_fish, main="Prior Distribution")
Step 2: Plug in each draw into the generative model which generates “fake” data.
pick_fish <- function(n_fish) { # The generative model fish <- rep(0:1, c(n_fish - 20, 20)) sum(sample(fish, 20)) } n_marked <- rep(NA, n_draw) for(i in 1:n_draw) { n_marked[i] <- pick_fish(n_fish[i]) } head(n_marked, n=10)
## [1] 3 8 13 5 4 7 8 8 5 2
Step 3: Keep only those parameter values that generated the data that was actually observed (in this case, 5).
post_fish <- n_fish[n_marked == 5] hist(post_fish, main='Posterior Distribution') abline(v=median(post_fish), col='red') abline(v=quantile(post_fish, probs=c(.25, .75)), col='green')
An “expert” believes there are around 200 fish in the pond. Insteand of a uniform distribution, we can use a binomial distribution to define our “prior” distribution.
n_fish <- rnbinom(n_draw, mu = 200 - 20, size = 4) + 20 hist(n_fish, main='Prior Distribution')
n_marked <- rep(NA, n_draw) for(i in 1:n_draw) { n_marked[i] <- pick_fish(n_fish[i]) } post_fish <- n_fish[n_marked == 5] hist(post_fish, main='Posterior Distribution') abline(v=median(post_fish), col='red') abline(v=quantile(post_fish, probs=c(.25, .75)), col='green')
Consider a pool table of length one. An 8-ball is thrown such that the likelihood of its stopping point is uniform across the entire table (i.e. the table is perfectly level). The location of the 8-ball is recorded, but not known to the observer. Subsequent balls are thrown one at a time and all that is reported is whether the ball stopped to the left or right of the 8-ball. Given only this information, what is the position of the 8-ball? How does the estimate change as more balls are thrown and recorded?
DATA606::shiny_demo('BayesBilliards', package='DATA606')
See also: http://www.bryer.org/post/2016-02-21-bayes_billiards_shiny/